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Saturday, February 21, 2015



Each day I find the web an intriguing place...

Yea, there is inherent evil aplenty along with mucho 
"Cheap Shots" here and there...

But what I truly love is finding things I have long since forgotten...
You know what I'm talking about...

Old Songs, Old Pictures...Old Everything...

Example:  This album was released originally in 1965...It was the time of the spy craze and James Bond was all the rage...

So David Lloyd covers much of the Bond music and there you have it...But do you?

See, one of the tunes was from a Bond book...but not from a movie...At least a movie that had been shot back in 1965...

This is an original tune on the album and I loved it...Called "For Your Eyes Only"

Dig that sax work...Give a listen...

Now hearken back to the late 60's...Fun times for most of us around then...
Sex, drugs and rock and roll...
I was getting just the LAST one on that list about then...
BUT it was good stuff, man...

Here was a group that defied definition...Rock...Jazz...Underground...

Whatever you want to call them they played some great tunes...
and this is one...

The group?  "SPIRIT"

Listen to hear what I mean about them...

Another phenomenal album was poorly named "Ma Na Ma Nah" 
by the Dave Pell Singers...

It went no where but I started listening to it when I spun the tunes at
 KVFM in the Panorama Towers in the San Fernando Valley...

Dave Pell had been an arranger for decades and this was just a throw away type album...
BUT what was on it was CLASSIC...

I would cue it up in my "Bachelor's" (means just one room) pad at the South Bay Club on Woodman at the freeway in Sherman Oaks back in 1969 and play this tune...

First I had to get a bit blasted...

Drank lots of vodka back then...Then the needle hit the vinyl and BAM!

I would tear up thinking about our guys getting blown away in Viet Nam...
We were losing hundreds a week during this period of time...


The song was sung in the past tense but clearly it was a "Protest Tune"...
It still gets (big time)  to me today...

Enough of the past on this bloggie...

I got a pleasant surprise today when I was Facebook and saw on a friend's post this video about a lady Angie and I both know...

Take a look:  

This is part of a new American Express campaign that shows a spot about Natalie, the lady who started EAT in downtown Las Vegas...

We go there all the time for breakfast and lunch...It is awesome!  
And now it is getting more and more popular...This will help her cause...
Wonderful spot...

So neat to see a person you really know get such recognition...

That video made my day...along with my memory makers...

Hope you had a few good moments this past day...

See ya!    

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