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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

My Wayback Machine


I was a "baby boomer"...Kids born post WWII who had a life like none had before in the United States...

For most of us it was idyllic...We had a Mom and Dad...We sat at a dinner table and talked about our day...TOGETHER...

We lived in the suburbs in a nice community with 
LOTS of other little "baby boomers"...

AND we all had that magic box...

The TV was our magic carpet to so much more...

One of the major reasons for living back then was watching

I know kids born after the 70's might not get this, but we had a whole time block of cartoon fun each and every Saturday morning on not one, but all THREE broadcast networks...

You hopped up and spun that dial all morning long as you choose the CARTOONS you loved to watch week in and week out...

And afternoons (after you headed home from school)...
 you sat at the TV and watched more cartoons...Many with "LIVE" local TV hosts...That's another blog right there...

The earliest CARTOONS I recall were the Farmer (Terry Tune) one Betty Boop and more of that crude B&W design...

then came Felix the Cat...Mighty Mouse...Mr. Magoo...

Plus Woody Woodpecker...Looney Tunes...all the Disney CARTOONS 
we could find on "The Mickey Mouse Club" or elsewhere...

Next era was the Hanna-Barbera period with Huckleberry Hound, Yogi bear...The Flintstones...The Jetsons...Jonny Quest...Scooby-Doo....Top Cat...etc, etc...

Then there was a period of "over the top" CARTOONS...Underdog and the all time great Rocky and Bullwinkle...Plus George of the Jungle...and for the past twenty years...The Simpsons...

TWENTY plus years for The Simpsons creates LOTS of characters...

There seemed to be a great "waste land" of cartoons for years and then cable arrived big on the viewing scene and more of them were drawn for the small screen like Bevis and Butthead...
Ren and Stimpy...Family Guy... South Park...Sponge Bob...

Today there are video homes for CARTOONS on Nick, The Disney Channel, and the CARTOON Network...You can watch animation 24/7....forever and forever...

CN is now serving up some major adult CARTOON fare on their late night segment dubbed ADULT SWIM...Here is the Mike Tyson Mysteries and they show plenty of sexy anime from the orient...

FYI:  here's a wonderful site where you can vote for YOUR fav CARTOON series...

Just scrolling through it is a total history of the TV CARTOON ledger...Have fun on it buddies..Oh, can you guess the top rated CARTOON on their list of over 200 series...

The new stuff leaves me cold much of the time...(I am a HUGE fan of the Tyson show)...
I still love watching my old stuff...
Give me Beanny and Cecil and The Wacky Racers anytime...

You no doubt have YOUR favorite CARTOON shows...
I've got mine, too...All embedded in my brain synapses...

Great CARTOONS memories for ever and ever...

See you later CARTOON buffs!

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