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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Chugging onward into this week with some ragging winds out there today...

Many folks I know have the allergy situation flaring up...

It is THAT time of the year...
Chugging onward into this week with some ragging winds out there today...

Many folks I know have the allergy situation flaring up...

It is THAT time of the year...

I am still waiting for the continual desert heat...

We have had two false runs at it so far...

Maybe in a week or so the "HOT" facuet will be turned up...

I like to sweat...I like sunny cloudless skies...I like desert living...

Oh, now to talk politics...

The presidential race is already starting up...Possible candidates forming "exploratory" committees, wherever the hell those are...

So because of this latest on slaught of political fever starting to head up the Washington temperature gague, read this...

'In the hospital the relatives gathered in the waiting room, where a family member lay gravely ill. Finally, the doctor came in looking tired and somber.
'I'm afraid I'm the bearer of bad news,' he said as he surveyed the worried faces. 'The only hope left for your loved one at this time is a brain transplant.  It's an experimental procedure, very risky, but it is the only hope. Insurance will cover the procedure, but you will have to pay for the BRAIN.'


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

"My Roots"

Everyone has 'em...

Where did you grow up?  Who were your parents?  What kind of lifestyle did you live as a child?

I had a fascinating kick start to my on going life thanks to two great parents who were extroverted and very loving...

My Dad was from an area just outside of Detroit...He had three other brothers (he was the baby) and an old man who worked for Ford and blew the paycheck now and again on gambling and more...His Mom held them all together during those rough times and they all grew up good citizens of the US...

Dad went to war in Europe during the big one (WWII) and pounded on the typewriter to keep democracy alive and secure...I chatted with him several times about the war and each time he begged off telling me anything about his experiences...To this day I wonder why...Could he have been frustrated that he saw no action...I will never know...

He came back and took his vocal talent and started to sing professionally for St. Louis Municipal Opera and then on to the boards in the Big Apple...

Mom was born on a plantation in the heartland of Alabama and went to live with her namesake Uncle (Joe/Josephine) in Denver at age twelve...She traveled extensively (he had some serious bread) and took singing lessons...

Eventually she hit New York and got gigs in Broadway shows...She did matinĂ©e leads in the original production of "Carousel"...

Well, they meet and fell madly in love (a condition that lasted 51 more years) and then had a bouncing chubby boy in late '48...

Dad struggled to make it in the city by even doing lights in nightclubs, but alas they had to make a living and he moved on to many other jobs until finally landing in SF five years later...He joined the airline industry with Flying Tigers, a start up freight carrier with a base in the Bay Area...

Then several years later we moved to LA and he hooked up with KLM, the Dutch airline and started selling to travel agents in So Cal...

It was then we moved to Northridge in the SFV and I got my established roots by living on Garden Grove Avenue until I went off to college over ten years later...

This is round one of my parents "Roots" tale...Come back for more...

Oh, and tell your folks ya love them now and again...No need to wait until they are gone...Do it now and you'll feel so much better...I'm glad I did that...Real glad...

Ciao for now...

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Life Is Sweeeeeeeet!

Yea, ya get up each morning...

You know the rest of that song....

Seems as one gets more on the elder side of the life coin you start reacting to news of friends and loved ones as they begin to fall by the wayside...

Recently I have had many friends spending way too much time with Doctors and in hospitals...
I remember working for an ABC TV affiliate in Fresno back in the 70's and bouncing into the sales office one afternoon to work on a proposal when I spied the senior sales guy back in his corner cubicle sobbing...
I asked what was wrong and he went on to say that lately all he has been invited to is funerals...He played the piano and all his friends used him at the services to pound out some tunes for his newly dead buds...
He lamented that at his age everyone was leaving the planet...I just listened and said, "Yea"...
I was in my early 20's and had the thick skin that young and stupid fellows form to get them through the care fee days of youth...
Only now in the past few years have I gone back to those old brain cells to dig up this tale and take the time to lament to myself the rapid passing of days, weeks and years...
After all this I treasure each morning more as I pop out of bed and tackle the day ahead...
I suspect there is not another trip for us after death, so I want to enjoy all I can now here on this mortal orb...
I remember again that fellow sobbing and find that I myself have an occasional tear in my eyes thinking about past fellows and friends...