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Thursday, February 19, 2015


Some Interesting Things From Today...

Every day there are new items that pop up here and there...

Today was NO exception...

First, many know I like good OLD CLASSIC TV fare...

Give me a nice 60's sitcom and I'll watch it...Action drama, I'm in...
Even some scratchy Looney Tunes...

So today I came across this video 
for a TV show that really stunk up CBS...

It should have been a hit for it was produced by the same fellow who gave us "Gilligan's Island" and "The Brady Bunch"...

Sherwood Schwartz knew how to churn out a winning TV show...
well, most of the time...BUT not this one...

Meet "It's About Time"

Yesterday I chatted with a fellow in Studio City about an A/C power cord 
I need for a reel to reel audio recorder I own... 

He owns a shop called Audio Specialist...
Maybe you saw Howard a while back on "Storage Wars"...

We quickly established that we knew the same fellow from the mid 60's who had a Jewish radio program on KVFM, the FM station I started at as a DJ and then Program Director while I attended USC...

We both dubbed tape for this fellow and I even made a deal to pay $100 a month to live in luxury at the Barrington Plaza in West LA on his radio trade, or as we call them "due bill"...

I was blown away he even had heard about KVFM for no one even listened to it...Signal was ridiculous to even hear in the San Fernando Valley and the equipment...Well, what worked was even on it's last legs...

He has been repairing audio gear for decades and mentioned about an ancient Marantz FM turner that was in the control room...

I talked about it too and we were in amazement that over forty plus years ago we both knew of this audio gear at KVFM...

I called an old radio buddy of mine who worked with me at KVFM and mentioned my phone call to Howard and the FM turner...BAM!  Jeff said he had a picture of it...

Knock me over with a feather...
First this fellow in LA knew about KVFM, Gary Owens, Sheriff John 
(he lived just doors away from him) and even this piece of electronic gear...

Here is the turner behind an old friend of mine, Kevin...

 The station was in the Panorama Towers 
on Van Nuys Blvd in Panorama City...

I worked there little less than three years and started Saturday AM each week...First I did it for free but then there was a lawsuit 
and everyone had to get paid...

It was "big time" bucks..$1.60 an hour...
Oh my, I was getting a weekly check to pay records...

Within months I moved up the radio food chain and became the boss..Program Director of KVFM...
Now that was $400 a month...all the free promo records I could lug home and a daily trade meal at Howard Johnson's by Roscoe and the freeway (next  to Galpin Ford)...

Found this cool video of skydivers heading to Galpin Ford and an auto show on Roscoe Blvd...

A classy place and home of "The Double Bubble"cocktail...

Here are some pixs of me in action on air at KVFM
and taking transmitter readings and more...

The building has been vacant since '94 or so thanks to another earthquake...Deemed unstable it still sits there, minus the antenna that used to be parked on the roof of the 13 story building...

I did my teaching chores at Jesse Scott Elementary School in North Las Vegas today...

Sat with my wee charges as we study word lists...
For some "our" is a tough word to say and read at that early age...

I am always amazed at their energy....They NEVER sit still...
It is rewarding and as Angie tells me, "You are making a difference in their lives"...Don't think I'd go that far, but they really do seem glad to see me each week...Get lots of hugs...

Moving on...

I saw this on the web...Never had laid eyes on it before...

Though it did look like an old Fiat and a Subaru from way back...

In fact it was a BMW Isetta...Got over 60 MPG...
but looked like a shoebox that Billy Barty would barely fit in...

Well, the joys of the day continued but I am done for now...

Stop by when you can and learn more about what is buried in these brain cells of mine...

A truly frightening place to stay...Even for a while...

Arrivederci All!

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